Real but Imaginary Threats

We are more certain of fear than we are of facts

stephen matlock


Much ink will be spilled in the next few months or even years about the topic of Critical Race Theory (CRT), both by those who think they support it and those who think they oppose it. We are going to hear the wildest claims about what it is, how it is either a blessing or a curse, how it either reinforces religious teachings or threatens them, how it brings freedom or chains. Emotions are going to drive 99.25% of this discussion, and that is not a surprise, for emotions drive most of our decision-making, with our minds coming up for excuses afterward to justify our actions. This is the way it is in our world as humans, and sometimes we are lucky enough to catch ourselves responding with emotional thinking rather than careful study and analysis.

But if I wanted to know about CRT, I would listen to an expert who studies CRT as part of their legal education versus the random YouTube channel or preacher who frankly has neither the education nor skills to understand the genesis of Critical Theory in general and the manner and method that Critical Race Theory was developed.

Because “lightning” and “lightning bug” both contain “lightning” does not mean that either is a derivative of the other. Conflating “Critical Theory” and “Critical Race Theory” as related in any…



stephen matlock

Writer; observer; sometimes doer. Fiat justitia ruat cælum. More at Mostly off Medium now & writing elsewhere